V sobotu se u nás koná akce s papoušky. Upozorňujeme návštěvníky, že mohou vznikat fronty delší než 60 minut a zároveň bude v tento den omezena prohlídka tropického skleníku. Poslední vstup v 15:45. Děkujeme za pochopení.
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Based on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, Rio de Janeiro, 1992) the Index Seminum is exclusively intended for the institutions operating in research, education and nature protection areas. Conditions coming from the Nagoya Protocol must be fulfilled for scientific purposes. Any material acquired from these seeds is not allowed to be used for commercial purposes. 

Our botanical garden is a part of the IPEN network (= International Plant Exchange Network). You can find us under the institution code TEBLI.

The IPEN number consists of four elements according the standard of BGCI

1) Country of origin (two positions, abbreviation according to ISO 3166-1-2; XX – unknown origin, CZ – the Czech Republic)
2) Restriction of transfer (0 – no restriction exists, 1 – restriction exists)
3) The unique garden code of the institution to be found on the BGCI website)
4) The specific identifiaction number in the recording system of the garden. 

The example of the whole code is: CZ-0-TEBLI-01812.

The nomenclature is based on the Plants of the World Online.

Please send the requests to the address botanika@botanickateplice.cz

Index seminum is also available at: 


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Botanická zahrada Teplice © 2020