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Botanical Garden Teplice

Mission of the Teplice Botanic Garden

The Teplice Botanic Garden, the only one in Ústí Region, close to the spa park and in the neighbourhood of the Písečný vrch hill and the Janáčkovy sady orchid, is an excellent place for all age generations. Outside it is possible to relax, drink coffee and get to know the world attractions. Approximately half of the total area which is about two hectares is devoted to the outdoor exposure, exhibition greenhouses covering the area of 2 400 m2.

We create and preserve scientifically documented collections of plants. A visitor may not only learn from them but also find moments of escape from the technical world to a cultivated and aesthetically valuable environment. Inspiration function is not negligible – gardeners and houseplants growers find attractive new or not very well known kinds and forms of plants and also samples of their use. You can also look through fauna in the exhibition greenhouses. In the tropical greenhouse there is an interesting so called “crossword puzzle flower bed” where you may find plants the names of which are known to you from solutions.

Our objective is to create a modern botanic garden on the 21st century level but mainly a place where you would like to return and spend your free time. Set out on the journey with us!

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Botanická zahrada Teplice © 2020